Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm out of the loop. I've tried to catch up and read people's posts, but trying to read weeks and weeks of posts is a little overwhelming, so if anything drastic happened in your life I guess you'll just have to tell me about it the old fashioned way. Lame, I know.

Now that I informed you that I haven't read YOUR posts, I'm going to post something like a stuck-up little thing and assume that you have nothing to do but read MY post.

First off, I gave a speech last night and it actually went well. It was my finest hour, or rather, it was my finest five minutes. When I was practicing it Kiwi and Rapunzel came over, and as I was trying to give them a sample of the speech a duck flew over and quacked. Loudly. The mood was entirely ruined. You can't inspire an audience when even the ducks laugh at you. Thankfully my speech class refrained from quacking, and I was able to get through with few mistakes.

Tomorrow I have two finals, the next day I have one final, and then my final final is monday. I'm really not stressed...yet. I figure I've done my bit all semester doing my homework and studying like mad, and even if things don't go so well it won't be because I goofed off all semester. I really learned a lot this semester about how to live through college and stay sane. First, eat lots of oyster crackers. They are very good with ranch dressing. Second, take breaks for relaxing bubble baths and long walks. Third, it's ok to eat and sleep even when you're stressed. Otherwise you'll fall apart. Fourth, your friends will still talk to you if you don't ace everything. Fifth and most important, MOCHAS. Coffee shops are the college student's best friend.
Here is where I leave you. Thanks for reading.