Thursday, March 19, 2009

Here are a few pictures of the cake
I was talking about in my last post.


Daughter of Eve said...

*gasp* You did that Bethany?! It's beautiful!!! Wow!!! :D

~Queen Lucy~

Kristen said...

I stand now and applaud. :D

KT said...

Very nice cake Bethany!!!

Kiwi da Fruit said...

Hi! Really beautiful cake!
Sorry you couldn't come over yesterday. *curses the wretched exams that kept you busy* We still need to find a time when we can all get together and work on The Play. (Rapunzel came up with a name for it, or atleast an idea: The Gentlewoman's Grudge, or something like that. Y'know, like "Avril's Atonement" or "Rosamond's Revenge" in "Anne of Green Gables")
Anywho. Maybe next Saturday?

Tell Jonathan he needs to comment here or on my blog so I can get to his! The *stupid new* follower gadget thingy won't let me see it.

Well, so long! Good luck on the *wretched* exams!
~Kiwi le Fruit

Daughter of Eve said...

Ugh, I know. I have to wait till someone comments before I can link the their profile and then their blog!!! Okay, Bethany, Scott better not be reading this: I am sure he knows Ellen's name!!! :P

I still just love the cake!

~Queen Lucy~

ShortStuff said...

To everyone: thank you for all your compliments on the cake!

To Kiwi: T'was fun seeing you today, and I will get Jonathan to post something. : )

To Queen Lucy: heh's hard to tell. He still calls me Emily sometimes. He did today, in fact.