Friday, July 3, 2009

Dear loyal and devoted blog followers,

Since I last posted, three main things have happened in my life. Listed in order of importance, they are as follows:

1.) Paul started dating me

2.) I changed majors

3.) I started working mornings at the YMCA's summer camp

I really don't think I'll have enough time to cover everything in great detail tonight, but I promised Kiwi that I'd post something so I'll get as far as I can. To start with, I am now Paul's girlfriend. Needless to say, this has been probably the very best two weeks of my life so far. We get together for coffee almost every day, and he even took me shooting. Talk about an awesome boyfriend. How many boyfriends do you know who would take their girlfriends shooting?? I've wanted to learn how to handle a gun ever since I was a little kid watching John Wayne movies, but even more fun then the actual shooting was the chance to spend all afternoon with Paul. We got a lot of weird looks when we told people that we were going shooting as a dating activity, but really, it was awesome. Paul is a great teacher, and guns are cool. We shot handguns and rifles. Between the two, rifles are my favorite, but like I said, they are both very cool.

Next on the Major Events in Bethany's Life list, I changed majors. All I'll say about it tonight is that I'm going to Blackhawk next fall for Culinary Arts. I promise to write more soon, but I must go to bed because technically it's tomorrow already and I have a busy day planned. Happy Fourth, y'all!!

(PS) There is a mole named Melvin trapped in my window-well.


Heather said...

So sorry to hear about Melvin!

And so happy to hear about Paul!! I would send you a card, but I don't think they make "Congrats on your boyfriend" cards and besides, I can't get out of the house. LOL!


ShortStuff said...

Hehe, we should write a letter to Hallmark suggesting a new line of boyfriend cards. :)